Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 1 Discussion 1

Week 1 Discussion 1

Q 1. Identify and briefly recount a set of myths (or mythology) from a particular Native American tribe or nation, using the learning resources. 2. Using the material in the learning resources, describe how this mythology represents this tribe or nation's cultural identity by using ten adjectives in a paragraph. For instance, “Based on the following myths, the Navajo's mythological identity is …”. 3. Cite your myths using MLA format in a Works Cited list at the end of your post. 4. In your replies to your classmates, evaluate their posts by comparing and contrasting your tribe or nation's cultural identity with theirs. Consider the following questions: a. Does the identity description hold up given the sources they cited? b. Can you think of any other adjectives that might apply to their nation's identity based on the myths they used? Initial posts are due by Saturday at 11:30PM ET and at least three responses to fellow classmates are expected by the end of the academic week on Tuesday by 11:30PM ET.

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The idea of myth is deeply associated with oral stories, traditions, cultural identities and folklores. Over the years, they have been passed on from one generation to another with the hope that they will keep alive the cultural features and the traditional identities of the communities where they were born. There are different types of Myths found amongst the Native American Tribes which include Coyote, Spider Woman, White Buffalo Woman and the myth of the Woman who fell from the sky.